> Observing facilities
1.United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT)
This is a 3.9m infrared telescope on top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. CEOU uses UKIRT for about 30 nights per year to conduct IMS and other small programs such as GRB follow-up observations.

<UKIRT Telescope>
2.Maidanak Observatory
Through agreement with Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute of Uzbekistan, a Korean consortium has access to the 1.5m telescope at Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan for 2 months per year, which is led by CEOU. The observatory boasts clear weather and excellent seeing conditions (median of 0.7"), on par with other excellent observatory sites.
<Maidanak Observatory>
<Maidanak Telescope>
<Maidanak's Friend>

3.AKARI Space Telescope
AKARI is an infrared space telescope launched by JAXA of Japan. The Korean community, especially the SNU group, has been heavily involved in AKARI studies. Naturally, CEOU uses AKARI data extensively, and is playing a key role in many AKARI programs.
4.SNU facilities
Astronomy program in Seoul National University operates several optical facilities. CCA250 0.25-m (US) telescope was installed in a piggy back system on the 0.8m telescope at McDonald observatory in 2017. An 1.0-m telescope (SNU campus, Seoul) was installed at a new building of Seoul Natinal University Astronomical Observatory (SAO) in 2018. A Robotic system of LSGT 0.43-m (SSO) has been used since 2015. RASA36 0.36-m telescope was sent to Chile in 2020. KIAS Chamnun Telescope (KCT) 0.36m telescope was also installed at another site in Chile (MOU with KIAS). RASA36 and KCT are for robotic operation like LSGT.
5.Open-use facilities
We also use other open-use facilities for our research through open competition or collaborations. Examples for such facilities used recently are the Spitzer Space Telescope, MMT 6.5-m, Subaru 8-m, CFHT 3.6-m, KPNO Mayall 4-m, KPNO 2.1-m, KPNO WIYN 3.5-m, Palomar 5-m, Palomar 1.5-m, CTIO 1.5-m, Girawali 2-m (India), Gemini North/South 8-m (Hawaii/Chile), McDonald Observatory 2.1-m/0.8-m (US), KASI facilities (BOAO 1.8-m (Korea), SOAO 0.6-m (Korea), LOAO 1-m (US), KMTNet 1.6-m in SSO/SAAO/CTIO).
> Computing facilities
We have several servers for data storage, data reduction and analysis, and computations for model computations.
<Server Room in CEOU>
Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University , 599 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea
Tel:+82-2-880-6761 Fax:+82-2-885-5512